Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discussion Forum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Discussion Forum - Essay Example Confucius lived 2,500 years ago in Lu, a small state in Eastern China. During this time, China was riddled with political strife and confusion during the reign of Zhou dynasty by which it prompted him to develop his doctrine/philosophy of Confucianism on how to create a society that is founded on harmony and balance of which his political environment is devoid. After the died at the of 73, his teachings spread throughout China and its influence still storngly revererates until today. Confucianism as a philosophy and social ethic encourages a lifetime pursuit of moral excellence or to become better founded on the belief that everyone possesses the inherent capability to develop into an autonomous and self-governing person by developing the Ren. Ren is being perfected or inculcated through practice which is facilitated by Li or the process of cultivating one’s goodness. Confucius also cited the Golden Rule or the law that states to treat everybody the way we want to be treated as one of the mechanism that promotes virtue in the indivdual and society as well. The practice of the Golden Rule benefits everyone and such provides the necessary environment to cultivate the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Criteria for a good short story Essay Example for Free

Criteria for a good short story Essay Does The Adventure of the Speckled Band meet your criteria for a good short story?  A short story is a work of fiction shorter than a novel or novelette, and is one of the oldest forms of literature. Some of the most famous short stories are The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer in the 14th Century. However, before the 1800s short stories did not get much respect, and were seen as a poor relation of the novel. At around 1835, Edgar Allen Poe became the first writer to make the short story a distinct literary form. After this the popularity of this form of literature grew in popularity due to short stories being published in magazines and journals, becoming widely available. The Adventure of the Speckled Band was written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1892. It was published as part of a book of twelve short stories, all in the crime genre. Conan Doyle was and still is famous for his crime stories involving the great detective, Sherlock Holmes. Before taking up professional writing, Conan Doyle was a doctor. The first of the Sherlock Holmes stories was A Study in Scarlet and was published in 1887. The crime story genre was very popular in the 19th century, and many established writers wrote stories of this type. For example, Charles Dickens last, unfinished novel was The Mystery of Edwin Drood. This was a murder mystery and so shows how popular the genre had become. For any short story to be successful, especially the crime genre, the correct authorial perspective must be chosen. In The Adventure of the Speckled Band the perspective is that of Dr Watson, looking back over a previous case. I think that this is effective because the reader is able to relate to Watson, as he is following Sherlock Holmes. Watson also learns of the clues at the same times as the reader, but doesnt get an explanation. This creates tension and excitement and so the reader will read on to find out. For example, the reader knew there was a dummy bell rope, but it wasnt until Holmes explained it that we found out its actual use. If the narrative perspective had of been from Sherlock Holmes point of view, there would be no tension as he worked out the clues very quickly. We know the when Holmes saw the bell rope was a dummy, it instantly gave rise to the suspicion that the rope was there as a bridge for something passing through the hole and coming to the bed. Another option Conan Doyle could have chosen would be to have an omniscient narrator, who would know everything going on and everyones feelings. This, also, would have reduced the tension and atmosphere in the story. The plot of The Adventure of the Speckled Band is that of a typical nineteenth Century crime story. A young woman, Helen Stoner, comes to see Sherlock Holmes, after the strange circumstances surrounding her sisters death start to repeat themselves. Just before she got married, therefore getting her inheritance, she dies very mysteriously. Miss Stoner is very worried, and she is also set to be married. Holmes and Watson agree to help the young lady. However, before they set off for Stoke Moran, Dr Grimesby Roylott, Miss Stoners stepfather, pays them a visit and tries to threaten them into not going. This only encourages Holmes, who goes to the house, where he finds several clues in the bedrooms. Holmes decides to come back to the house at night and stay in Miss Stoners bedroom, to witness the strange events for himself. During the night, a snake crawls through the ventilator between Dr Roylott and Miss Stoners rooms. Holmes attacks it and it flees back, where it turns upon its owner, and kills him. As this is a short story, it should only have one main storyline, and this one does. If there was more than one then there would be little time for any development of plot at all. Conan Doyle, in The Adventure of the Speckled Band gives enough information to sustain interest, but is also very selective about what is included in it. There are some events in the story that are not directly important to the plot, but create tension and suspense. The visit of Dr Roylott to Sherlock Holmes house is included for this reason. Dr Roylott describes himself as a dangerous man to fall foul of, so Holmes wants to get to the house even more quickly, as he fears for the safety of Miss Stoner. This also increases the pace of the story, and makes it more exciting. Conan Doyle uses various things throughout the story to keep the readers interest. Dr Grimesby Roylott is an unusual man, who used to live in Calcutta. He went to prison for after he beat his native butler to death. When he returned home to England he had various ferocious quarrels, due to his violence of temper approaching to mania. Dr Roylott also kept tropical animals, which also makes him an interesting character, and his violent temper is also typical of a nineteenth Century villain. Another factor that creates interest in the story is the amazing skills of deduction possessed by Sherlock Holmes. Watson notices his quick, all-comprehensive glances when he first meets Miss Stoner. Holmes then goes on to deduce her exact journey, just from what he has seen. The reader is then anxious to see what he deduces from what Miss Stoner tells him about her circumstances.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Critical Race Theory: Examination of Minority Involvement in the C

The Critical Race Theory: Examination of Minority Involvement in the Canadian Criminal Justice System The Canadian population can be characterized as a multicultural and diverse system of individuals. There is little doubt that certain minority groups posses a lifestyle and pattern of behavior inviting conflict or confrontation with the police (Fleras & Elliot, 1996). In light of this confrontation, an increase can be seen in the number of Black individuals killed in comparison to Caucasian individuals by Canadian police officers. Specifically, in 1996 the Black Action Defence Committee of Toronto noted that there were more shootings of Black civilians in Toronto than in some larger American cities such as Los Angles (Aylward, A.C. 1999). The Critical Race Theory, employed in the R.D.S case, allows Professor Glasbeek to establish a history of poor relations between the police and minorities in Nova Scotia, and also across Canada. In five cited cases, the Glasbeek article demonstrates that the criminal justice system is uniform in condoning the use of force by police officers. Further, in the event that a white male officer commits manslaughter while on duty, acquittal is likely without further appeal in almost all Canadian trials . In many cases, a jury will be selected and will consist of all Caucasian members. This is not proportional to the number of minority members of any given community, town or city. Specifically, five cases are cited to show that after a white police officer shoots an individual criminal charges are generally dismissed. However, the fact remains that visible minorities are likely to be shot more often, and to be killed more often by white police officers. Further, at each trial no jury memb... ...mination and racism have decreased in recent years, in reality, many minority individuals are negatively effected by the actions of the police, and the miscarriages of justice carried out in the Canadian court system even today (Fleras & Elliot, 1996). Even though stringent guidelines are in place in the selection of juries for trial, it still remains that less minorities actually serve on Canadian juries despite efforts to counterbalance this blatant inequality. The outcome of this imbalance is an even larger gap, or imbalance in dealing with police officers accused of and charged for killing unarmed civilians. References Aylward, A.C., The Canadian Critical Race Theory, 1999. Halifax: Ferneuld. Fleras, A., & Elliott, J. L., Unequal Relations: An Introduction to Race, Ethnic and Aboriginal Dynamics in Canada.1996. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice Hall.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fashion History Essay

A fancy handbag, stylish footwear, shimmering jewellery and a designer dress of substandard quality sell at fantastic prices. Now beauty salons and slimming centers the landmarks of fashionable world are frequented by a large clientele at great expenses even in smaller towns. It seems the inbred urge of the man to appear graceful is awakening from the slumber. But the craze for fashion has also opened new avenues for expansion of small scale industries product fancy articles for beauty aids are now growing and shaping up as big industries. They provide employment to thousands of youth directly or indirectly. Courses based on fashion designing and decoration have now become a popular and recognized commercial education in the country. Ever changing fashion is welcome features but living in fashion and style is a symbol of lively society. Fashions breaking the barriers of decency and decoration are full risks and lead to moral chaos. We must be aware of that fashion adds only to our external beauty which is skin deep and transient whereas moral beauty is lasting and sublime. True beauty lies in cleaning ourselves from within and is attained by practicing truth and piety love and sacrifice in our lives but in the avalanche of ever changing fashions, all that matters is ostentatious show with the aid of modem cosmetics and beauty aids, latest dresses etc. And this is eating into our great noble values. True, beauty needs no ornaments or fashion aids. My lord I may be beautiful from within in this age of fashion.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Different Types of Sausages

Variations of sausages are made available in different cultures and cooking styles. Nowadays, we see and taste sausages in all forms and their flavors have been quite distinctive as well. Some of it is classified as ready to eat while others require maximum precautions of thorough cooking. This is the reason why there have been various divisions which separates the different types of sausages based on how it has been prepared. Sausages are usually made out of ground or minced meat for as long as it is chopped exceedingly small, with pounded spices, aromatic herbs, and animal fat (Lee 193).This food is always packed in a casing and can be easily perceived as a food which is elongated in form. The casings in traditional sausage making are made out of intestines of animals. However, times have changed and now sausage makers utilize synthetic as an alternative to the animal intestines. There are also variations in its ingredients. A sausage can actually be made out of poultry or red meat , and are served cooked or uncooked. These different kinds of sausages are further classified into various types. Cooked SausageOne classification of sausages is a special kind which is cooked. This kind of sausage is branded with such delight as it is made with a certain way in which it is cooked in a heated oven then eaten immediately after the cooking or may be preserved to be eaten at a later time. The procedure of making this kind of sausage starts with the mincing of the meat in a very fine consistency. Along with the minced meat, come the ingredients, spices, and cure that make up the sausage’s flavor and prolong its shelf life for its storage.After all these are combined, cooked sausages require a great effort of mincing to achieve a certain fine texture requirement. This serves as the stuffing of the sausage. After the combining and mincing process, the stuffed created out of the both processes are put into a casing which is later dried. This, thereafter, is cooked a s its final stage in an oven, then either served immediately or stored in a refrigerator for preservation. Cooked sausages are usually made available through various forms.Some of which are as follows; bratwurst, knockwurst, liverwurst, salami, bologna, blood sausage, hot dogs, jellied beef loaf, thurignger style and braunshweiger (Grigson 84). Fresh Sausage Usually, the curing of sausages which serves as the preservative is used in cooked sausages; however another type of sausage does not require exactly the same initial stage of preservation. This kind of sausage is known as the Fresh Sausage in which it is made out of fresh meats that has not been previously cured. Fresh sausages require tremendous cooling in the refrigerator.The method requires such kind of refrigeration as keeping the meat cold stores the fat. This is true in its sense as the fat melts when the meat is left warm. The lack of moisture out of the warmness of the sausage only leads to the grainy texture of the sau sage. This sausage, after being made and being kept in the refrigerator should be cooked thoroughly before serving. Undercooked sausages are deemed to be toxic at a certain extent if not safely prepared. The content of fresh sausages differs from various styles and forms.A whole hog of sausage, for example, contains swine meat and has no more than a fat weight of 50 %. This goes with breakfast sausages as well as it is similar to fat weight which contains various kinds of meat. Italian Sausage, on the other hand, contains 85 % meat, sometimes a combination of meat and fat. This also contains herbs and spices and a little amount of water. Fresh pork sausages, however, may contain no more than 50% fat weight and is prohibited to contain pork byproduct. Fresh beef sausages, also, may not contain beef byproduct and can only have around 35% fat weight (Coxe 196).Dry Sausage Another type of sausage has been made available to us under circumstances of elongated preservation. Normally, saus ages require tremendous attention in taking note its shelf life. However, a type of sausage is set aside for its prolonged shelf-life under proper refrigeration. This type is called the dry sausage. Dry sausages are very much intricate in production and require more time in preparing compared to other types of sausages. Also, this type of sausage has a more concentrated form of meat.To further illustrate this type of sausage, examples of this are classified into the following; chorizo, pepperoni, Genoa Salami, and Frizzes. Cooked Smoked Sausage Another type of a sausage is classified as a Cooked Smoked sausage. This kind of sausage falls into the same category as the cooked sausage because of its similarities in its production process. As its name suggests, Cooked Smoked Sausage is also prepared the same way as the Cooked Sausage is made, however another method is added into the procedure to make this kind of sausage.Smoking is integrated to complete the procedure. This method is em ployed as a means of preserving the sausage as there are implications on how the chemicals in the smoking process builds up in the sausage’s storage life. However, nowadays the smoking method gives in more than the preservative feature; it is now perceived as a means of cultivating flavor in the sausage brought about by the cooking procedure itself The smoking method is done by drying the sausage as its initial stage of the process as its moist surface may actually mottle the surface.There are two variations in smoking a sausage; cold smoking and hot smoking. Cold smoking is usually done in a room temperature between 70 and 90 degrees. This kind of smoking can actually take up a week to complete the process. Hot smoking, in the other hand, is done in a room temperature that is between 100 and 190 degrees. Fresh Smoked Sausage The smoking method is also employed in fresh sausages. Though smoked sausages are previously discussed as a method which is utilized after the cooking o f sausages in a heated oven, the smoking method also gives the same amount of flavor to fresh sausages.This is the reason the smoking process is integrated to the making of fresh sausages as the distinct smoky flavor gives the exact same flavor it gives to the cooking process. The process of cooking of this kind of sausage is quite simple. It basically integrates the making of a fresh sausage and the smoking process. After making the fresh sausage, which involves constant chilling to keep the texture and the fat intact, the smoking process is subsequently applied.All these types of sausages are classifications which makes it more comprehensible to us the different cooking styles employed to various kinds of sausages. Some of these sausages can be classified into various common forms which have different flavor and ingredients; Salami, Summer Sausage, Italian Sausage, British Sausage, Braunschweiger, Liver Sausage, and a lot more. With the variety of sausages available to us, it is q uite indiscernible as to how a sausage has been made. These types make it easier for us to know the ways in which a certain flavor has been achieved and how the process has preserved it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Organization Development-Creativity

â€Å"In the Creative Economy, the most important intellectual property isn’t software or music or movies. It’s the stuff inside employees’ heads. When assets were physical things like coalmines, shareholders truly owned them. But when the vital assets are people, there can be no true ownership. The best that corporations can do is to create an environment that makes the best people want to stay1† -Cor Peter An organization that stimulates creativity develops novel approaches to doing the work or unique solution to problems. Innovation is the process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method of operation. Thus, the innovative company is characterized by its ability to channel creativity into useful outcomes. When managers talk about changing an organization to make it more creative, they usually mean they want to stimulate innovation. Nevertheless, sometimes just have creative people is not enough. It takes the right environment for the innovation process to take hold and prosper. Robbins and Coulter (1999) have identified three sets of variables that have been found to stimulate innovation: the organization’s structure, culture, and human resource practices2. The importance of innovation in the textile industry has risen dramatically during the last few decades. â€Å"Innovate or lose† has increasingly become the rallying cry of today’s managers. During the peak of the industrial era, a company could prosper from slowly developing and refining one single product or service. The increasing pace with which business now reshapes itself – propelled by the new capabilities offered by information technology, which places higher demand on the organizational memb... Free Essays on Organization Development-Creativity Free Essays on Organization Development-Creativity â€Å"In the Creative Economy, the most important intellectual property isn’t software or music or movies. It’s the stuff inside employees’ heads. When assets were physical things like coalmines, shareholders truly owned them. But when the vital assets are people, there can be no true ownership. The best that corporations can do is to create an environment that makes the best people want to stay1† -Cor Peter An organization that stimulates creativity develops novel approaches to doing the work or unique solution to problems. Innovation is the process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method of operation. Thus, the innovative company is characterized by its ability to channel creativity into useful outcomes. When managers talk about changing an organization to make it more creative, they usually mean they want to stimulate innovation. Nevertheless, sometimes just have creative people is not enough. It takes the right environment for the innovation process to take hold and prosper. Robbins and Coulter (1999) have identified three sets of variables that have been found to stimulate innovation: the organization’s structure, culture, and human resource practices2. The importance of innovation in the textile industry has risen dramatically during the last few decades. â€Å"Innovate or lose† has increasingly become the rallying cry of today’s managers. During the peak of the industrial era, a company could prosper from slowly developing and refining one single product or service. The increasing pace with which business now reshapes itself – propelled by the new capabilities offered by information technology, which places higher demand on the organizational memb...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Text of Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg Address

Text of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address In November 1863, President Abraham Lincoln was invited to deliver remarks at the dedication of a cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg, which had raged in the Pennsylvania countryside for three days during the previous July. Lincoln used the opportunity to write a brief yet thoughtful speech. With the Civil War in its third year the nation was enduring a staggering cost in human life, and Lincoln felt compelled to offer a moral justification for the war. He deftly connected the founding of the nation with the war to keep it united, called for a new birth of freedom, and ended by expressing his ideal vision for the American government. The Gettysburg Address was delivered by Lincoln on November 19, 1863. Text of Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg Address: Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that this nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate - we can not consecrate - we can not hallow - this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Whom Can I Pay to Write My Research Paper Online

Whom Can I Pay to Write My Research Paper Online Whom Can I Pay to Write My Research Paper Online? Crafting research papers can be monotonous especially if you are a college or university student. At times, one can easily get bored with doing the same routine on the regular basis. Apart from boredom, there are also other reasons why students may require paper writing assistance during their academic career. Whom can I pay to write my research paper online? students ask themselves this question when they are stuck with homework and need a viable option to meet the strict paper deadlines. There is a glory hour of online paper writing agencies. You need to be careful when selecting a paper writing agency and find one that is capable of assisting you with the needed writing assignment. How to Choose? A reliable paper writing organization is one that delivers papers to its clients on time. This all depends on the writers at a paper writing company. Our writers start working on your task as soon as they are assigned to it so that they can finish the order on time and have some spare time in case the customer needs a revision. To make sure the service is not going to fool you, open the website, overlook all the important points for you and see yourself that everything is clear and you do not have to worry that you will only waste your money. What about the Price? Research paper writing consists of collecting relevant data both from the field and from secondary sources. Students who study on a part-time basis have little time to commit to all these requirements hence can resort to expert writers to assist them with their researches. charges reasonably per paper their writers complete for students. The charges depend on the urgency of the paper, the academic level, and the number pages to be written. The company will also provide you with a free title and bibliography page. Don’t hesitate to make use of such services and try out the high-quality products. And if you are still not fully satisfied with the outcome, the writer assigned to your order will revise the delivered paper for free (if your revision instructions do not contradict the Revision Policy). How NOT to be Mistaken? You have to be careful choosing an online writing service, as it is quite easy to fall for frauds. Illegitimate paper writing websites are also a part of the online writing schemes. They pretend to offer cheap services. has been in the business for a long time having a lot of returning customers who have shared their experience in the testimonials section of our website. They will do everything possible to assist you in the best manner possible. Gaining experience in paper writing is a gradual process, and will provide you with original and plagiarism-free sample papers to help you with this tough process. Writers who have been in the business for a long time offer high-quality example papers at reasonable prices. ‘Who can write my research paper for me?’ you may ask yourself. Feel free to contact to hire a highly qualified research paper expert.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Increase Team Effectiveness Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Increase Team Effectiveness - Research Proposal Example Everybody had different ideas and we all wanted to get our point across. We could not even come to an agreement during this first meeting on the different topics each would be working on. An initiative of mine that was approved during this meeting was the creation of a schedule of meetings. We made a rule that if at least 3 members were available for the meeting it would be realized if 50% were absent the meeting would be canceled. I thought we did accomplish good brainstorming and we got to know each other. We deviated a bit from the business talk and learned about each other life’s. We got along pretty good on the personal level, but as the business unit, it seemed we were not clicking yet. There was no clear leader in the group and since there was a bit of a power struggle we decide it would be best not to give any member the official team leader nomination. Maybe this was a mistake. A team works better when it was clear directions. Many companies utilize the team leader organizational structure as a tool to increase the efficiency of the various teams working in different areas of the business. The importance of the team leader can be seen more clearly in the role he plays in the decision-making process. The list below provides some a list of functions the team leader realizes. In our second meeting, some important tasks were accomplished. Each team member knew what they would be writing about. We stipulated a deadline for final submission. I noticed in this second meeting the same trend as in the first one. A lot of talk about things not related to the project.

Certification and Standardization of Mediators Essay

Certification and Standardization of Mediators - Essay Example While it is true in most states a private individual can set himself or herself up as a private mediator, having the sanction of the State and the judiciary is what sets others apart from a mediocre mediator with no training and creates a realm of professionalism. It stands to reason that any kind of profession should have standardized training and credentials. In many states a person can offer private mediation services without taking a class, passing a test or having a special license or certification. Other States require certification from 20 hours to 40 hours, plus continuing education units, according to the Mediation Training Institute International. A few states require a substantive understanding of the area of law to be mediated and stop short of requiring a juris doctor degree. Several universities now offer master’s level degrees in the new area of mediation and alternative dispute resolution (Notre Dame, Creighton Law, Colorado Tech, Regis and Baker University to name but a few). Hawai’i, according to the Hawai’i State Judiciary (1996), is one of the States with minimal requirements. Professions, such as chiropractors, Certified Public Accountants and lawyers, must all receive rigorous training and pass a State test in order to receive their credentials. It is clear from the assigned reading materials that there is a model code of professional behavior to achieve positive results in mediation. Indeed, the American Bar Association endorses a specific standard (2000). Without a certain level of training and testing there is no way to regulate standards of behavior and practices within the profession of mediation. As a nascent field, the lack of standardization is normal. At one time a lawyer did not attend college of any sort and became a lawyer by simply reading the law under an older lawyer. That model has its

Friday, October 18, 2019

Impact of the Globalization Process in Different Fields Essay

Impact of the Globalization Process in Different Fields - Essay Example This essay outlines the significance of globalization process, that favorably resulted in the rapidity of change, together with different priorities of nations and people. Globalization has boomed in the aftermath of the oil crisis in the 1970s and it changed the relative costs of production inputs and products, gave new impetus to technological innovations, fuelled international financial transactions, as OPEC countries invested their surging revenues in the USA, changed the structure of trade. As economic force, globalization process makes multinational companies (MNCs) the principle vehicle of imperialism’s drive to re-divide the world according to economic power. Economic crisis that is considered to be the greatest since the times of the Great Depression can have negatively impact on the business environment. This is particularly true in countries in transition; moreover, foreign investments can make economics more uneven, with disastrous consequences for both the developing and developed countries. This polarization must be recognized by international business structures and governments through poverty alleviation programmes and strategies designed to reposition marginalized economies to make them possible to participate in current developments. The problem is that even small American enterprises to have an impact on the global market are to think, produce and sell globally. The so-called ‘global firm’ have to link all the small enterprises into global webs of production, distribution and services. The process is rather long-term and complicated one, because the new business model has possess strategic flexibility, competition with co-operation, horizontal, decentralized work structures, and constant communication in real time. [Held D., McGrew A., Goldblatt D. and Perraton J., 1999] The re-organizational process has already begun, that's in why it has got an unstoppable power: it exists at all levels, including economics, politics, social and labor spheres. As economic force, globalization process makes multinational companies (MNCs) the principle vehicle of imperialism's drive to re-divide the world according to economic power. [Douglas I., and Tervio M., 2000] The process of integration of global financial markets has increased capital mobility and global production and distribution structures, but has also weakened the bargaining power of trade unions everywhere - the most key decisions are made by private business that deepened the increase of privatization; such policies have a potential negative impact on jobs and incomes everywhere. [Thomas T., 2000] Through the process of restructuring jobs in some sectors and places have been lost, but the relocation from developed to developing countries has influenced capital mobility and the locational choices of firms, which favors social stability, local infrastructure development, and market proximity. But from the social point of view, the existence of firms with a global reach and profile calls for new business ethics, and over-emphasises on efficiency and technology, that has affected the human element, causing depersonalization and spreading apathy. [Thomas T., 2000] In general, the global economy is to reform the labour market, and its outcomes are directly connected with the way these markets function, with the unionized and non-unionized sectors. There is a close

Business Research Individual Work 1 Week 11 Essay

Business Research Individual Work 1 Week 11 - Essay Example Therefore, it means that men will have less support in this case compared to women for the same cause. Thus, the mean for men becomes the most appropriate bivariate. On the other hand, when comparing support for healthy living persons between age groups of 20-30 years and that of 30-40 years, there is testing whether the mean difference of those who agree, disagree or have no opinion will be zero, more or less. The same will apply when comparing the support for the campaign meant for people between the age group of 20-30 with that of 40-60 years. The campaign for those in the 20-30 age brackets will have more people who disagree with it than those who agree. The primary reason is that the healthy needs increase with age and hence this age group has less healthy requirement. In addition, the mean of those who agree to contribute to the group of 40-60 years will be higher than the mean of those who disagree. Thus, this makes the campaign for those in the age group of 20-30 an appropriate bivariate since it will have the lesser mean in contribution. The attitude questions are suitable in the prediction of how a person reacts in certain situations (Zikmund & Babin, 2007). These questions can bring out traits like determination, perseverance, courage, and honesty. While comparing the Human Resource Manager and the Chief Executive Officers responses of â€Å"yes† â€Å"no† or â€Å"not sure† towards attitude questions, there is testing whether the mean difference of the Chief Executive Officer and that of the Human Resource Manager is zero, more or less. In most cases, those who respond in â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no† are few compared to those who give a â€Å"not sure† answer. Therefore, the most appropriate bivariate is that of â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no† answer since it has a less mean difference. In the case of one-half of the sample population

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Lies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lies - Essay Example It is a fact that lying leads to more lies. When a person tells a lie for some reason, he/she needs to tell many other lies to cover that lie. Lies do not have any moral ground or proper base. Although lies can benefit people for a short span of time but their long-term effects are never good for them. It is because a person has to lie several times in life to cover one false statement given by that person in some earlier part of life. Another fact regarding lying is that it makes many other people lie to save the liar. A liar not only performs the immoral act of lying himself/herself but also makes his/her friends and family members perform the same act in order to get their cover to escape from the worse scenarios. Lying is really a waste of time and energy. A person who lies for some reason needs to remember that lie and perpetrate it in order to escape from any unexpected situation. Remembering a lie and making efforts to hide the truth regarding that lie forever is a very tiring job. Lies make the life of a person very difficult and troublesome instead of bringing any sort of long-term relief. A person needs to spend a good amount of time thinking how to hide the truth in future. Sometimes liars start believing that the lie that they have spoken is the ultimate truth. They start opposing the reality and a fight between right and wrong starts in their minds. They try to escape from the immorality of lying by opposing the truth and reality. However, they do not succeed in that and a sense of guilt injects in their minds forever. Lies also cause mistrust between true relationships. Lies inject doubt between the relationships, which decrease the degree of love, harmony, and respect that exists between the relationships. Lies create troubles not only for the liars but also for the people who are in some sort of relationship with the liars. Summing it up, lies put a number of negative effects

Formal Outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Formal Outline - Essay Example Let's not forget that we, as individuals, have a personality, unique in itself and equally appealing. 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall, show me the one, I desire'. Does ring a bell, doesn't it You may argue that, not quite. Well, I don't disagree. Welcome to the world of the make-believe, where people from all walks of life, bent upon perfection, abuse their bodies to reflect the personality that they never are. The men and women on the street, ape celebrities and subsequently suffer for the sake of their appearance. The idea of monitoring, measuring, and enhancing is a means to underline the fact that, companies that advertise so profusely in the various Medias, do so for their betterment and growth. Little is said about the after effects of these 'personality-enhancement' products. This is a cause of concern, as people are misled to believing that these health and beauty products are a sure way to success and self-esteem. In short, the ploy to inculcate such demeaning methods is an imposition of unreasonable standards on the consumer. Is everything that we see in front of our eyes true It can be misleading at times. FTV, Vogue, Hollywood and the Internet have a lot in common; Fashion. Yes, ladies and gentlemen; fashion, that you and me admire and wish to model ourselves on. Media plays an important role in influencing out thoughts. If it not were for the TV, Movies, Magazines, and Internet, would we be indulgent and self-conscious Not quite, perhaps. First Main Idea Has it ever dawned on you that what we see on these Medias is nothing short of make-believe Channels beam the rich and famous in hour-glass costumes that cost the earth. We tend to forget the cost, and dream of their bodies as our own. We are made to believe that the slim, underbred women in sexy gowns that cost a fortune, symbolises the successful and dynamic woman of today. Sadly, this is far from the truth. First subordinate idea The names of Jean Paul Gaultier, Carolina Herrera, Felipe Oliveira Baptista, Carmen Marc Valvo, Christian Dior, Karl Lagerfeld, and Elie Saab, to name a few, are breakfast names. They dish out dresses that are show-cased by the skinniest of skinniest models; role models for the never-say-die women of today. But, in reality, are they really as healthy and happy as we are made to believe in Consider the following: First supporting detail The Fashion magnates have all along encouraged unreasonable & unhealthy body images at fashion shows. They have used models who are ultra thin to promote clothes that only they can wear. Luisel Ramos died on the catwalk & Ana Carolina Reston died of starvation. Second supporting detail The sudden demise of Anna Nicole Smith has come as a shock to the film and modelling fraternity. What could have caused the death of this pretty 39 year old Surrounded by controversy right through her chequered career, this ravishing beauty was struck down by an unknown calamity that will go down in history as being under controversial circumstances. Third supporting detail London Fashion Week got under way on Monday with the ongoing debate over ultra-skinny models continuing to dominate proceeding over styles on the catwalk. The untimely deaths caused due to starvation have practically removed skinny

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lies - Essay Example It is a fact that lying leads to more lies. When a person tells a lie for some reason, he/she needs to tell many other lies to cover that lie. Lies do not have any moral ground or proper base. Although lies can benefit people for a short span of time but their long-term effects are never good for them. It is because a person has to lie several times in life to cover one false statement given by that person in some earlier part of life. Another fact regarding lying is that it makes many other people lie to save the liar. A liar not only performs the immoral act of lying himself/herself but also makes his/her friends and family members perform the same act in order to get their cover to escape from the worse scenarios. Lying is really a waste of time and energy. A person who lies for some reason needs to remember that lie and perpetrate it in order to escape from any unexpected situation. Remembering a lie and making efforts to hide the truth regarding that lie forever is a very tiring job. Lies make the life of a person very difficult and troublesome instead of bringing any sort of long-term relief. A person needs to spend a good amount of time thinking how to hide the truth in future. Sometimes liars start believing that the lie that they have spoken is the ultimate truth. They start opposing the reality and a fight between right and wrong starts in their minds. They try to escape from the immorality of lying by opposing the truth and reality. However, they do not succeed in that and a sense of guilt injects in their minds forever. Lies also cause mistrust between true relationships. Lies inject doubt between the relationships, which decrease the degree of love, harmony, and respect that exists between the relationships. Lies create troubles not only for the liars but also for the people who are in some sort of relationship with the liars. Summing it up, lies put a number of negative effects

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blaise Pascal and the Theory of Probability - Why it is important and Research Paper

Blaise Pascal and the Theory of Probability - Why it is important and the implications of this contribution - Research Paper Example Throughout history, various theories and principles had been laid down by mathematicians to further strengthen and deepen the study of numbers, space and computations. Numbers have been the characters used in math while letters are usually used in language. The operations and proofs that are done throughout the development in the field of mathematics give way to the modernization and advancement of the human mind. One of the theories that led to the advancement is the Theory of Probability. The Theory of Probability comes from the word probable and the adjective probably. â€Å"Probably† is usually used in casual conversation like: Caesar probably visited Britain. The outbreak of a nuclear war is less probable now than it was 10 or 15 years ago. The likely winner is Miss Florida. The expanding universe theory is probably true. The door is probably locked. (Weatherford, 1982, p. 2) The word probably cannot describe probability in a specific way as adjectives are descriptive wor ds. Once probably is said, it describes an object qualitatively. Probably pertains to qualitative description of frequency. Most people do not use probable in a mathematical sense as that word can also mean â€Å"possible, conceivable, plausible, reasonable and typical,† (Gigerenzer, 2007, p. 95). ... 1). In addition, uncertainty is concerned with the unknown or the insufficient information regarding the present and the future. The degree of uncertainty is linked with risk. Risk is the uncertain result which can be positive or negative. The positive risk is called opportunity while the negative risk is threat (Cretu, Stewart and Berrends, 2011, p. 4). Probability allows people to have calculated assessment of the unknown outcome. The theory can be elaborated in three ways as discussed in the succeeding paragraph. The Theory of Probability can be discussed using a classical method, simple property method and statistical method. Using classical method, the theory provides a standard measure for determining the uncertainties in the occurring events. Classical method can also be called mathematical method as an equation can be used to represent the theory: P (A) = n/N = No. of outcomes favorable to A/No. of outcomes in ? = v (A)/v (?) Where A = the event or subset of interested outcom es n = the number of outcomes ? = the set of all outcomes v (?) = the number of sample points in ? v (A) = the number of points in A (Bhat, 1999, p. 2) Another way of elaborating the Theory of Probability is through the use of simple property method. Additive property of addition is the basic form of probability theory. The following can illustrate the property: P (A?B) = P (A + B) = (m + n)/N = (m/N) = P (A) + P (B) [†¦] Probability function possesses the following properties: (i) P(A) ? 0, (non-negativity); (ii) P(A1 + †¦ + An) = ?n1 P(Ai), (Additivity), (iii) P(?) = 1 (normed) It follows immediately that P (?) = P (A + Ac) = P (A) + P (Ac) = 1, P (Ac) = 1 – P (A) ? 0, and hence 0 ? P (A) ? 1. Since P (?)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Blood Donation Essay Essay Example for Free

Blood Donation Essay Essay As you are listening to me, you might not think that today is the day that you will save a life. It is quite easy to save a life any day and it only takes a little bit of your time. I’m not talking about being a paramedic or fireman; I am talking about the simple act of donating blood. Almost anybody can donate blood but in order to do so, you must be fit and healthy. In other words; you’re not suffering from a cold, the flu, or any other illnesses. Also, it is extremely critical that you meet the ideal weight which would be anything above 45 KG. You must be between the ages 16-70 if you wish to donate your blood. Make sure that you eat a healthy meal before your donation and that you are drinking an ample amount of liquids preferably juice or water (and absolutely no alcohol) 3 hours prior to donating. [1] There are four key tips in order to have a successful blood donation. Make sure to keep yourself hydrated, wear something comfortable, bring a list of medication that you are taking (as it is important for the doctors to know about any prescription and/or over the counter medications that may be in your system) and lastly, make sure you maintain a healthy level of iron in your diet before donating your blood. Most importantly, you have to relax and feel at ease! Blood donation is an extremely safe procedure and there should be absolutely nothing to be concerned about. [2] Why should you donate blood? The answer is rather quite simple; safe blood saves lives and improves health. Your bloods main components: plasma, red cells, and platelets are vital for plenty of different uses. Plasma provides the body with plenty of nutrients and protein. Red blood cells are used predominantly in treatments for blood diseases along with cancer. They also help in the making of treating anemia. Platelets contribute to helping repair any signs of damaged body tissue. [3] The donation process from the time you arrive until the time you leave takes about an hour maximum. The donation itself is only about 8-10 minutes on average. The nurse will be sure to cleanse an area on your arm and then insert a sterile needle into it for the blood draw. This shot feels like a  quick pinch and is over in a matter of seconds. Certain donation types such as red cells, platelets or plasma can take up to 2 hours. The nurse draws approximately a pint of blood from you during every donation period. [4] So that now you know how easy it is to donate blood, it’s time to take action. After all, you have plenty of blood, so why not share? When you do, you will feel good about yourself and you will save a life. By giving blood, every donor is contributing to a nation-wide challenge to provide life-saving products whenever and wherever they are needed. Citation: [1] Australian Red Cross Blood Service â€Å"Am I eligible to donate blood?† Web. 2014. [2] The American Red Cross â€Å"Donation Process† Web. 2015. [3] â€Å"Why give blood?† Web. [4] The American Red Cross â€Å"Donation Process† Web. 2015.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Physics of Skydiving :: physics parachute skydiver sky dive

Could you see yourself jumping out of a perfectly good airplane traveling at 170 MPH 13,000 feet above the ground? Imagine being the first person to jump out of an airplane, entrusting your life to an unproven piece to technology. Over the past century, skydiving has grown from a madman's fantasy to a international sport. As a skydiver stands at the door of the airplane, the force of their mass multiplied by gravity is directly countered by the force of the plane pushing back up on their feet, this is know as the normal force and is shown is the equation FN = m * g As soon as the the diver exits the plane, the normal force is removed and the diver begins to fall. Generally, a skydiver will exit the airplane at about 13,000 feet (4000 meters). To maintain a stable flight, their body must face the "relative wind". This is the direction in which the greatest air resistance is coming from. After a jumper exits, the drag force of the air counteracts the jumper's horizontal motion until the drag is only working against gravity. For a 70 kg jumper with the acceleration of gravity (9,8 m/s2), the force of gravity can be calculated with the same equation as the normal force: Fg = 70 * 9.8 = 686 Newtons The force of the drag caused by particles of air is calculated by this equation with: FD=1/2 * CDr * v2 * A FD: force of drag CDr: coefficent of drag v: velocity A: surface area of the jumper When we set the FD equal to the Force of gravity on the diver and use the drag coefficient for the density of air and use the area of a diver in the "arch" position we find that the diver find a balance of forces (no acceleration) at about 55 m/s. When a skydiver wants to deploy their parachute, the most commonly used device used is a manually-operated pilot chute. The diver will reach back into their rig and grab a handle or small bean bag connected to the pilot chute and throw it away from them. The small pilot chute is affected by an extra drag force attempting to keep it stationary. When this force and the force of the falling diver create enough tension in the line connected to the pilot chute, the deployment bag containing the main canopy is unstowed. If the main canopy were to expand to full size immediately, the tensile forces between the diver and the main canopy would most likely kill the diver and/or break the lines.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Solitude, Solidarity, and Sexuality in One Hundred Years of Solitude :: One Hundred Years Solitude Essays

Solitude, Solidarity, and Sexuality in One Hundred Years of Solitude Soledad in Spanish means more than our word "solitude," although it means that too. It suggests loneliness, the sense of being apart from others. Although ultimately each human being is alone, because there are parts of our experience we cannot share, some people are more solitary than others. The really solitary figures in this novel are those who deliberately cut themselves off from other humans. They are contrasted with characters who combat their solitude, by making strenuous efforts to reach out to others. The founder of Macondo, Jose Arcadio Buendia, is the first great solitary. He becomes so obsessed with his own search for truth that he neglects his family and ultimately loses all touch with outer reality. His wife, Ursula, is perhaps the greatest of the antisolitary figures, the person who more than anyone else holds the family and the house together. She takes in a foster child and later insists on rearing the bastard children of her sons and grandsons. Her whole life is devoted to strengthening social bonds. Pilar Ternera, the fortuneteller, is also an antisolitary. Her role is to comfort the Buendia men and, in her younger years, to go to bed with them and bear their children. At the end of the book and of her own very long life (she has stopped counting birthdays after one-hundred forty-five), she is the madame of a wonderful zoological brothel, which in this context stands for a generous, bountiful sexuality. There is a lot of sex in the novel, most of it celebrating the size and potency of the Buendia men's phalluses or the lubricity of the women. Sex can be used to combat solitude, because of its power to connect one person to another. Even the two rapes in the novel result in close bonding: Jose Arcadio Buendia rapes his bride Ursula to begin the family line (second chapter), and the last Aureliano rapes Amaranta Ursula (who is not, however, very resistant), who will bring forth the last of the line.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Black Pepper

Characterization and Quantification of Active Compounds of Black pepper (Piper Nigrum): AbstractThe objectives of the study were to investigate the presence of phytochemical compounds from the extract of piper nigrum, using methanolic extraction. It showed the presence of alkaloid, flavanoids, carbohydrates, proteins, phenols, phytosterols, and tannins. The phytochemical compounds were also screened by GC-MS method.A total 21 bioactive compounds were identified in the methanolic extract of Piper nigrum. The identification of phytochemical compounds is based on the peak area,retention time,molecular weight.GC-MS analysis of P.nigrum revealed the existence of major compounds like caryophyllene ,delta.3-carene as well as Cinene. The results will be useful for further study in future to explore the biosynthetic activity of black pepper. Introduction:Black Pepper:Black Pepper, the tropical plant family, Piperaceae is a reliable source of diverse biologically dynamic phytochemicals (Parmar et al., 1997) and food grade spice. Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) (Piperaceae) celebrated as â€Å"Dark Gold† and furthermore known as â€Å"Ruler of Spices† is one of the vital rural products (Ankegowda and Krishnamurthy 2012). The extracts of Pepper can be viably used as a source of biopesticide material. The most broadly perceived specie of this family is Piper Nigrum or dark pepper which apart from culinary applications is utilized as a part of various ayurvedic details because of its different curative properties (Srinivas et al., 2005). Piperine is one of the significant compounds that is extracted from Piper Nigrum. Many other unsaturated amides have since been distinguished in Piper species from every single tropical locale of the world (Parmar et al 1997). Piperine is the significant compound that causes the impactful and spicy flavor of pepper and has indicated many pharmacological exercises, for example, insecticidal, calming, pain relieving, and so forth. (Khajuria et al., 1989). The wide variety of auxiliary plant mixes found in Piper were recommended as potential leads for novel bug sprays (Miyakado et al., 1989) while numerous mixtures are utilized as a part of conventional control of insecticides that are vectors of ailment (Okorie and Ogunro 1992) and harm stored crops (Sighamony et al. 1986; Baier and Webster 1992; Mbata et al., 1995; Ke'? ¨ta et al., 2000). Early examinations with P. nigrum seed extracts showed that piperamides were in charge of the harmfulness of the extracts to the adzuki bean weevil Callosobruchuschinensis L. (Miyakado et al., 1980). For the treatment of infectious diseses on Earth pharmacologists ,microbiologists and natural products chemists are relying on plant derived dietary supplements as well as phytochemicals.(Pandey et al.,2015).The objective of this research is to identify and characterize the active compounds in crude extract of Black pepper. Key words: Piper nigrum L, Phytochemical Screening,GC-MS.Material and Method:The seeds of Black pepper were purchased from Qissa Khwani Bazar PeshawarExtract of Black Pepper: Seeds of black pepper 10gm were grounded in a blender and then covered with 100 ml of methanol. The grounds and methanol slurry was shaker in a mini orbital shaker for 30 min at 260 rppm and then passed through a Buchner funnel with Whatman No.1 filter paper for removing insoluble material. The methanol fraction was separated and air died ( Jyothiprabha, and Venkatachalam 2016). Identification of Active Compounds: Some plants have more than one chemical as an active principle responsible for their biological properties. Phytochemical tests was done to find the presence of the active chemical constituents such as alkaloid, glycosides, flavonoids, reducing sugars, triterpenes, phenolic acid and tannis. Detailed Phytochemical screening was carried out as per standard methods. (Kokate, 2000; Habone, 1999; Tiwari et al., 2011).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Haighs Chocolates Marketing Plan Brief Essay

Haigh’s Chocolate is a family owned Australia chocolatier based in Adelaide SA. They specialize in handmade and single origin chocolates from Australia and around the world. The business is the oldest family owned chocolate maker in Australia and looking to increase awareness interstate and also around the world. Therefore, you are being called in as a consultant to develop new marketing opportunities to expand the brand. You are now employed as a team of 3 – 4 (max.) marketing consultants to help design a Marketing Plan for them. However you will need to firstly understand the brand by performing a SWOT analysis and then designing the Marketing Mix (4P’s). Lastly, it is very important that you are able to foresee or predict potential problems you might have with making or launching the product. As a team, you are required to pitch your marketing plan to your class. Haigh’s Chocolate is looking for a creative, practical and fun marketing strategy! Objectives of the Marketing Plan: 1) To build awareness for Haigh’s Chocolate 2) To increase brand recognition for Haigh’s Chocolate The brief There are many occasions, celebrations and festivals in a year. Some of them are celebrated with chocolates! Your consulting firm is given the task of creating a product, or packaging its current range of products into a product especially for an occasion of your choice. For example, for Valentine’s Day you may create a bouquet of Haigh’s chocolate roses, or a World Food Day chocolate where proceeds go to a non-profit organization or to theme the chocolates with a local festival! Your team can decide on the product strategy by looking at the various marketing theories taught this semester. The challenge is to think outside the box and create a product that is feasible for the brand! Your report MUST also entail a product (chocolate) design and a poster. You can use external images, or use software (e.g. Photoshop or Illustrator) to design your product. I you should choose to, you can also bring a prototype to your class for presentation. For more information about Haigh’s Chocolate, visit http://www.haigh’ Word count: 2500 – 3000 (+/- 10%) words Mandatory 1) Application of theory: You will need to apply marketing theories for this assignment. You can refer to your textbook to help you to write the Marketing Plan. For specific guides on writing the marketing plan please refer to Chapter 2 of your textbook. 2) Presentation: You are required to present your Marketing Plan within your tutorial class to gauge feedback from your tutor and peers. This will help you to refine your plan for the written report. 3) Template: A report template has been provided on Moodle for this assignment. You will need to follow the template and discuss your marketing plan accordingly. However, if you need to add additional information, you can put it in Appendix. Do download and use accordingly. 4) Referencing: You are expected to refer to external resources for theories, ideas or current trends. However, you will need to apply theories to your statements/claims. These will need to be justified and supported by theory. Therefore, you will NEED to have at least 5 academic references for this assignment. Textbooks are not considered an academic reference, and it is expected that you would refer to it. You will need to reference it if you use your textbook. You should use resources from databases such as ProQuest, Emerald, Science Direct, and so on. 5) Formatting: 12pt, 1.5 spacing. Appendix. Optional 1) Appendix: You may choose to include an Appendix section. However it is not mandatory. Submission You will need to submit a HARDCOPY to your tutor via your tutor’s pigeon hole. A softcopy MUST be submitted via Moodle Deadline Penalties apply for late submissions (10% per day).

Oedipus Rex – Entrapment of Mankind Through Reasoning

For example, when Alias and Oedipus Rexes were reveled with their prophecies, they tried to divert themselves away from it. As a result, they reverted themselves into the prophecy, therefore fulfilling it. Although man tries to control their own fate, in reality, such control is impossible and cannot be possessed. Through the use of Oedipus' life decisions, diction, and connotation of words to display the idea that man's most powerful attribute fails mankind. In other words, through Oedipus Rexes, Sophocles shows that reasoning cannot give mankind the power and control they sire. Therefore, such control and power for mankind does not exist.Oedipus Rexes proves that man's most powerful attribute Is reasoning. Sophocles gives his readers the idea that mankind is trapped through their most powerful attribute. Oedipus Rexes believed that he could escape the reality of his prophecy through his attempts to reason throughout it. However, his aim to avoid the prophecy using reason failed him . As the prophecy was revealed to Oedipus, he believed he could avoid it by leaving Corinth and the family whom he believed was his own blood. However, this thought of his is what failed him and lead to Oedipus actually fulfilling the prophecy.This decision leads mankind to believe that they can control their life through reasoning. As Oedipus moves onto Thebes, he crosses through the road where three roads meet. At this exact road, he meets Alias, his father, whom he does not know. Alias and Oedipus begin a feud start brawling with one another. Thus, completed. Although Oedipus continues onto Thebes and solves the sphinx's riddle, his success leads him into the second part of his prophecy being fulfilled as he meets Coast, marries her, bears children with her, and birth children of incest.In spite of the fact that Oedipus' best characteristic is his constant attempt to reason, it's his exact reasoning and questioning that lead him to the â€Å"truth† of the prophecy. Despite Oedipus' failed attempts to control the prophecy, Alias is also another culprit of failed attempts to reason. Alias, King of Thebes, birth a child with Coast and believed that he could become the next ruler of Thebes. However, a prophecy was told to Alias that his own son would soon murder him and take over. At this very moment, he decides It's best to bind Oedipus' feet and send him away to die.He does not realize, however, that this decision leads him Into the entrapment of his own life. He fulfills the actual prophecy when he tries to take Oedipus out of his life. This Is another failed attempt of reason. Therefore, man's most powerful attribute of proves that reasoning brings mankind doom. As Alias did not want his baby to kill him, he sends the baby away. The Old man sees the baby and picks it up because no mortal being would see a baby hurt and abandoned without having to pick it up. He gives the baby to his King of Thebes because he knows they cannot bare a child, feeling pi ty for them all.Oedipus himself hears about the prophecy and runs away from it. All these people, all these steps were made from attempts to reason and control the world, when in reality, it ultimately failed. Mankind cannot use their so- called â€Å"most powerful attribute of reasoning† to control their lives. If reasoning brings doom to mankind, what is the purpose of reasoning itself? Sophocles answers this question by proving through Oedipus Rexes that reasoning traps mankind, making mankind limited. The Chorus, whom supports Oedipus the most out of all characters of the play, reveal their thoughts and true emotion towards the doom of Oedipus.Through their character, Sophocles conveys the pity one may feel towards Oedipus whom was a great man dealt with UN inevitable doom. In a passage by the Chorus on pig. 18, they stated, â€Å"A prince of men/ Whose loot what citizen/ Did not with Emmy see,] How Deep the billows of calamity/Above him roll/Watch therefore and regard t hat supreme day;/And of no mortal say/That man is happy,† datelined by no grievous ill/He pass Life's goal In this passage, the Chorus shows how great of a man Oedipus was, nonetheless, how great of a King he was.He was not only great because of his role as King, he was great because he reasons. However, this characteristic of constant reasoning, to pursue and search for the truth leads to the fulfillment of the prophecy. When the Chorus says, â€Å"billows of calamity', they talk about the mass destruction Oedipus was placed in. On that day, he was realized he entrapped himself into the prophecy. Therefore, Oedipus acts as a representation of mankind, conveying the idea that seasoning dooms us all and traps mankind. Mankind is under the illusion that control exists and reason works.Through the first half of the stanza, the Chorus exemplifies their support for Oedipus. He was a Prince out of all the men, who gained respect and order from his people. After Oedipus discovered h is tragic state in the prophecy, such a situation could not be explained. It was disastrous, catastrophic, devastating, but all these words do not show how grievous this day was for Oedipus. He believed he escaped the prophecy and lead to be a King, a King of whom many honored. He set out to believe that he must save his city from disaster, from the plague, when he was the plague himself.The Chorus tells the readers to watch the day Oedipus fell into the prophecy and learn that no human being is lucky. No man has a goal, for their most powerful attribute fails them ultimately. Therefore, no man is lucky until they are dead. Sophocles shows through Oedipus Rexes that reasoning cannot give mankind the power and control that they desire. Through the understanding of the way Alias and Oedipus both failed at their attempts to reason and the Journey Oedipus invests myself into throughout the play, readers are able to see how Oedipus portrays a representation of mankind.Through his represe ntation, one may find that although doom upon him. This leads to the idea that reasoning fails mankind and the purpose of reasoning is invalid. Sophocles uses Oedipus life decisions, diction, and connotation of words to display the idea that man's most powerful attribute fails mankind. Although man tries to control their own fate, in reality, such control is impossible and cannot be be possessed.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Role of Nutrition Information is Influencing Consumer Choice Essay

Role of Nutrition Information is Influencing Consumer Choice - Essay Example ind out the level of awareness on the importance of labels on food products, and identify the factors that customers consider before purchasing a food product based on its label (Verduin, Agarwal and Waltman, 2005). Aim and Objectives The aim of the project is to understand the relationship of buying habits for food products as influenced by product labels. The objectives of the study include: To examine the behaviour of customers as they make purchases at a local supermarket To establish the level of customer awareness on the various requirements for food labelling To identify the relevant words that customers look for in labels when making choices on food products To determine the most significant details on food products to customers To identify if customers consider the health benefits of a food product or absence of health hazard before making a purchase To review literature on the effects of labels on customer choices when shopping for food products To discuss the reasons for t he choices that customers make after reading the labels on food products Literature Review Verduin, Agarwal and Waltman (2005: 2597) state that the consumer is the central player in the decisions that could help the nation reverse the obesity situation, and should be informed on the importance of keeping watch on the contents of foodstuffs that one consumes. In addition, the writers emphasise on the need for the food industry to be truthful in providing information to consumers, and adherence to other guidelines provided for ethical advertising. In addition, they assert that manufacturers should work in cooperation with the government (2610) and research institutions (2612); the government gives recommendations and enforces standards, while the research institutions ensure that the use of... This report stresses that this study is likely to encounter several limitations that may reduce its efficiency, and it has some shortcomings that may have a negative effect on the usability of the results for generalisation. First, the data collection approaches are expensive in terms of time and money, both of which may not be enough since the researcher may have other commitments. Second, the management of retail stores may not cooperate with the researcher, while customers may perceive the study as a waste of time or an infringement into their private lives. Third, the study makes many assumptions that may reduce the confidence level of the results; however, this can be countered by the use of secondary sources that allow the researcher to make exclusions and differentiations. One of the main assumptions is that a customer’s choice is informed by the contents of the label, and other factors, including price have little or no role to play. Finally, there is one ethical conce rn that the researcher has to deal with; observing customers and recording data without their knowledge may amount to doing research with people as subjects without their informed consent. Therefore, the researcher has to consult the ethics department of the institution before doing the study to clarify the matter. This essay makes a conclusion that the proposal is part of the process of preparing for a study, and every aspect of study must be cleared up to save on costs, identify potential obstacles and other unforeseen aspects of the study. The proposal must have the aims and objectives, and methodologies that will be used to answer the research question.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

(Organizational Behaviour) You are asked to write an essay focusing on

(Organizational Behaviour) You are asked to write an focusing on ONE of the themes explored in the course. In support, you should make reference to at least two of the exhibits reproduced below - Essay Example This paper intends to deal with the issue of post bureaucratic organizations and the concern of flexibility with them. This new form is defined as a hybrid form of organizational structure and offers â€Å"insight into the intrinsic difficulties involved in the refurbishment of large complex organizations† (Josserand, Teo & Clegg, 2006, pp. 54-55). The form of post-bureaucratic organization has grown significant in the recent years (Erickson et al, 2009, p. 144). This term had been devised in the 1980’s (Corporate Planning and Strategic Human Resources Management, n.d). The structure of a post-bureaucratic organization exceeds the traditional bureaucratic organizations in the sense that in these newer structures facilitate the handling a vast range of conditions. Post bureaucratic organization allows a â€Å"flexible and self-(re-)fashioning enactments of work and self† (Iedema, 2003, p. 53). The â€Å"elements of an organic structure† (Josserand, Teo & Clegg, 2006, pp. 54-55) are combined with more internalized as well as indirect forms of control. Post bureaucracy is no t entirely achievable in its pure form. Some organizations adopt a post-bureaucratic rhetoric as well as maintain the traditional structural hierarchies. But it often creates â€Å"tensions between post-bureaucratic aspirations and traditional work practices† (Iedema, 2003, p. 2). Enhancement of the transparency of work is one of the key goals of the post-bureaucratic organization. This is to be achieved through â€Å"knowledging, communication and interaction† (Iedema, 2003, p. 193). It is aimed at changing the practices that lead to the maintenance of preset benchmarks, standards and other meta-discursive constructs. This calls for proper communications within and among teams and verticals. This increases the credibility of the organizations and improves the level of efficacy of

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Company Strategy and Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Company Strategy and Structure - Essay Example In a recent report cited by the Wall Street Journal, sales of Macintosh compatible computers to businesses have risen significantly since November. [Berry] By one account, there has been more than a 40% increase from November to January in the Mac-compatible market share among business-oriented personal computer buyers. Bolstering the Mac-compatible position in the business market are the new machines recently released by Apple. The Power Book 3400 is the worlds fastest laptop computer. There is also the new series of Power Macintosh computers, including the 9600, which runs as fast as 233 MHz. Recent surveys indicate that the Mac OS has over 50% of the market for Web authoring and CD-ROM content creation. Apples new line of computers is ideally suited for the demands of power users, such as high-end designers and Web authors who work with graphics, digital movies and sound. In addition to offering new products, Apple continues to revise its own management and structure. In order to become more efficient and nimble, additional corporate changes are necessary. Over the past year, Apple has seen a growth in the overall Mac OS market. The decline in its own sales can be directly attributed to the success of the Macintosh clone makers. Apple can take advantage of the clone makers success by reducing the number of models it produces, focusing its marketing on high-end users and focusing hardware development on better-equipped, higher margin products. Clone makers have become a significant factor in Apples rebirth. By competing for buyers in markets where Apple has had difficulty, clone makers allow Apple to reduce the number of models it manufactures (and its costs) because it no longer needs to "carry" the entire Mac OS market. As Apple reduces its presence in a particular market, clone makers can compete more with Wintel machines than with Apples products. As a result, Apple may choose to raise the licensing fee paid by the clone makers on each unit sold when

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Gospel Music Features in the Christian Liturgy of the Pentecostal Essay

Gospel Music Features in the Christian Liturgy of the Pentecostal Church - Essay Example James (2001, p. 56) claims that the style of gospel music that exists in any given Pentecostal church depends partly on the age of the singers. Thus, the senior adult tend to prefer the transitional and traditional gospel music while, the young adults prefer modern gospel music that may predominate the main worship service. Whatever the period and age, the singing is given in the form of gospel songs in the Pentecostal churches. Development of gospel music People who were enslaved and worked in the field during the civil war told their stories in the spiritual way explaining their current life and teaching their children on the hardship they endured. When the enslaved adopted the Christian religion, their faith naturally became the focus of their songs. However, their songs were no longer limited to the spiritual because they started using the hymns written by white composers like Isaac Watts and Wesleys. The enslaved accepted the gospel music because it was attributed to their style and culture, especially the meter hymn that is still used in the most Pentecostal churches. As the civil war came to an end and enslaved were finally emancipated, it marked the beginning of what is referred to the historical gospel hymns. According to James (2001, p. 55), these songs flourished during the social and economic deprivation of depression and started to make their way out of the Pentecostal churches. According to Anderson and James (2007, p. 285) indicate that the civil rights movement brought rebirth of older songs, especially spiritual songs that became the freedom songs. These spiritual songs were the bridge between what is known as historical gospel and modern gospel songs. The publicizing of the Pentecostal churches and protest brought a wider exposure to the gospel music and its popularity spread. Currently, the modern gospel is one of the most popular sounds in the music industry. In the twentieth century, the most widespread and celebrated of the people traditio n was the growth and development of gospel music, especially in the Pentecostal churches. These churches were visited by the traveling musicians and evangelists from the Chicago gospel scene like Sallie Martin and Thomas Dorsey. Despite this contact with new gospel sounds, arranged spirituals, and hymns were still popular styles of church music. Pastors and Pentecostal churches supported the expansion of gospel music by starting gospel choirs and hosting outstanding concerts in various Pentecostal churches like opportunity Baptist. Various composers started transcribing and publishing their gospel music and gospel performers protected themselves from exploitation by forming gospel unions. Anderson and James (2007, p. 289) indicate that the gospel growth extended beyond churches in the black community and moved to worldly white venues around the city. Most of the gospel composers and performers received attention via television programs, firms and release of albums by choirs. Thus, t he developed technology has assisted a lot in developing the gospel music worldwide. Many gospel singers have developed new styles of singing and different, exciting music ministries. From neo spiritual to the modern gospel and praise and worship music, these song writers reflect the range of gospel music in Pentecostal churches today. The gospel music composers Wallace (2005, P. 104) indicates that the gospel music was brought substantial change in the Pentecosta

Friday, October 4, 2019

Accounting-IFRS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accounting-IFRS - Essay Example This difference between the IFRS and the GAAP is the core of other differences between the two standards. A major difference between the two standards is the way revenue is recognized. The GAAP has more extensive guidelines on revenue recognition compared to the IFRS. The IFRS has two standards of dealing with revenue recognition while the GAAP provides several concepts as well as detailed rules to deal with revenue recognition in different industries. The IFRS requires revenue to be recognized when it is likely that the benefits associated with a transaction can be traced to the entity and quantified reliably. In contrasts, the GAAP provides criterion for determinable or fixed pricing in revenue recognition. In this case revenue cannot be recognized until the amount of the revenue is ascertained. This implies that under the IFRS revenue that is not of a set amount is recognized earlier as compared to the GAAP (Erchinger, and Winfried 124). Another point of difference between the two standards is in relation to financial assets. The IFRS only provides two standards to deal with financial assets while the GAAP has extensive guidelines that apply in various industries. While the IFRS classifies assets into various categories, the GAAP classifies financial assets into pronouncements. The GAAP looks into the legal form of the entity while classifying financial assets while the IFRS considers the nature of the instrument. Financial asset classification is important as this affects income statements and the entities equity. Different classification of financial assets by the two standards can significantly affect the amount in the entity‘s financial statements. There is also a major difference in the manner the two standards treat intangible assets. While the GAAP does not allow for capitalization of internally incurred costs related to development, the IFRS allows for this capitalization when certain criteria are met. In relation to asset impairment, the IFRS

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Henry V Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

Henry V Shakespeare Essay In Henry V Shakespeare has used language to communicate the setting and the mood. I will also be contrasting between the scenes and characters. I will be doing this by looking at Act 3, Act 4 and using Act 2 Scene 1 and Act 1 Scene 2 to compare scenes and characters. Shakespeare used language in Henry V to communicate the setting. In Act 3, the chorus tells the reader that the English army are sailing to France. The main role of the chorus was to explain things to the audience that could not be acted out on stage, to tell the audience that time has passed and to summarise parts of the play. The chorus also tells the reader or audience that once they reach France they begin to besiege the town of Harfleur. The reason why the chorus tells the reader or audience this is because this scene cannot be acted out on stage but Shakespeare uses language to get the audience to picture the ships crossing and the siege. In Shakespearian time it was necessary to have a chorus in this play because the chorus gets the audience to picture the ships crossing and the siege by telling the audience to use their imaginations. This is due to the fact that this scene cannot be acted out on stage and limited resources because in Shakespearian times there werent any effects they just had a stage and a few props. Thus with imagind wing our swift scene flies, this sentence is telling the reader to use his or her imagination to imagine the setting and locality of this act. The chorus appeals to two senses. These two senses help the reader to build a picture in our imaginations of what it was like to be at the siege. The two senses are the sense of sight and the sense of hearing. An example of the sense of sight is, hempen tackle ship-boys climbing, this creates an image in our heads of boys climbing. An example of the sense of hearing is, hear the shrill whistle, this creates a sound in our heads of a sharp, high-pitched whistle. Shakespeare cleverly uses both senses in the same phrase. This is a more effective way of using language to communicate the setting because it creates a picture in our heads as well as creates sounds to the picture, To sounds confusd, this tells the reader that there are confusing sounds and where there are confusing sounds there are people which gives the emphasis that there are a lot of things going on and that there is a lot of mayhem. This gives the reader the picture in our heads that there are people running around. Another example is, Behold the threaden sails Borne with the invisible and creeping wind; in this phrase you can hear the creeping wind against the sails and you can visualize the sails moving. The effect of these senses is to help our imaginations paint a picture and it also helps the reader to understand what it was like to be in certain peoples shoes at the time of the crossing and the siege. If the reader were a hempen tackle ship-boy then he or she would be climbing, and if the reader was on the ship he or she will be hearing confused sounds. Now I am going to explain how language in Henry V is used to communicate the mood. In Act 4 the chorus describes to the reader the scene of the English camp the night before the battle of Agincourt. Shakespeare uses language to get the audience to feel the mood of the battlefield. Sound, words that emphasise ugliness, supernatural images and words that tell the reader that time is passing slowly are all ways to get the audience to feel the mood of the battlefield. Creeping murmur, hum of either army stilly sounds and secret whispers, tells the reader about the sound of the camp and makes the reader feel slightly threatened and uneasy because it gives the feeling of impending danger. Cripple tardy-gaited, foul and ugly witch and horrid ghosts, are words that emphasise ugliness. Those words make the reader not want to go there and they tell him or her that the place is disgusting, revolting and that it is an unpleasant place to be. Ghosts and witches are supernatural images. These images may make the reader feel scared and make him or her feel the same as the people in the camp. There are words and phrases that tell the reader time is passing slowly. These words and phrases are, creeping, cocks do crow, the clocks do toll, third hour of drowsy morning name, and piercing. The effect that these words have on this scene is that it seems that this scene is time dragging. The reason why I say this is because the armies want the battle to be over but they also dont want the battle to come. It is a bit like exams, because everyone doesnt want the exam to come but when the exam comes they want to finish the exam and get it over and done with. Words which tells the reader about the sounds about the camp, words which emphasise ugliness, supernatural images and words they tell the reader time is passing slowly creates a weird and spooky mood in this scene. It is important that this kind of mood is created so that the reader can feel what it is like to be in the camp.

Modern Programming Tools And Techniques Computer Science Essay

Modern Programming Tools And Techniques Computer Science Essay Q:1 Define abstraction, encapsulation, modularity and hierarchy in your own terms. Ans:-AbstractionAbstraction denotes the essential characteristics of an Object that differ it from other objects, and thereby providing a boundary that is relative to the perspective of the viewer. Abstraction focuses on the outside-view of the Object, and helps separate its behavior from its implementation, Think of it this way, to you, your car is an utility that helps you commute, it has a steering wheel , brakes etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ but from an engineers point of view the very same car represents an entirely different view point, to the engineer the car is an entity that is composed of sub elements such and engine with a certain horse power, a certain cubic capacity, its power conversion ratio etc. It is the same car that we are talking about, but its behavior and properties have been encapsulated to the perspective of the viewer. This is what abstraction is. Encapsulation Encapsulation is breaking down the elements of an abstraction that constitute to its structure and behavior. Encapsulation serves as the interface between abstraction and its implementation. To understand encapsulation better, lets consider an animal such as a dog. We know that a dog barks, it is its behavior, a property that defines a dog, but what is hidden is , how it barks, its implementation, this is encapsulation. The hiding of the implementation details of a behavior that defines a property of an entity is Encapsulation. Modularity The art of partitioning a program into individual components so as to reduce its complexity to some degree can be termed as Modularity In addition to this, the division of the code into modules helps provide clear boundaries between different parts of the program, thereby allowing it to be better documented and defined. In other words Modularity is building abstraction into discrete units. The direct bearing of modularity in Java is the use of packages. Elements of Analysis and Design Hierarchy (Inheritance) Abstraction is good, but in most real world cases we find more abstractions than we can comprehend at one time, though Encapsulation will help us to hide the implementation, and modularity to crisply cluster logically related abstractions, at times, it just isnt enough. This is when Hierarchy comes into the picture, a set of Abstractions together form a Hierarchy, by identifying these hierarchies in our design; we greatly simplify our understanding of the problem. Single Inheritance Single Inheritance is the most important part of is a hierarchy. When a class shares thestructure of another class it is said to single inherit a base class. To understand the concept better, lets try this. Consider the base class Animal. To define a bear terms of and animal, we say a Bear is a kind of Animal. In simpler terms, the bear single inherits the structure of an animal. Multiple Inheritance Multiple Inheritance can be defined as a part of inheritance where the subclasses inherit the Behavior of more than one base type. Q:2 Sketch the object-oriented design or the Card game Black-Jack. What are the key objects? What are the properties and behaviours of these objects? How does the object interact Ans:-Blackjack Implementation It must write three new classes and link them with all of the previous classes in the project. The first class, DealerHand,implements the algorithm of playing Blackjack from the dealers perspective. The classcontains a field which keeps track of the current number of points in a hand, and a methodthat calls in a counter-controlled loop the method of the previous class GameDeck to deal cards one at a time from the top of the deck. As cards are being dealt, the current number of points in the hand is updated accordingly. Another method of GameDeck returns the value of the above field.The next class, PlayerHand, is a subclass of DealerHand. It overrides the method for dealing cards: the cards are still dealt in a loop, but the loop is sentinel- controlled this time, and the method incorporates interaction with the user. The third class, GameApp, contains the method main in which objects of DealerHand and PlayerHand are created. Methods for dealing cards are invoked on these objects. When these methods return, the winner of the game is determined according to the standard Blackjack algorithm. The specific details of the algorithms for calculating points in each hand and for determining the winner of the game are figured out by students with practically no assistance from the instructor. By this point in the course, the students are able to write this code independently, making use of the techniques, concepts, syntax and basic structures of the Java language that they have learned during the semester. While the application could be created using any development environment, Ibelieve that its success in my class is dependent upon the use of BlueJ. BlueJ enables this project in two ways: (1) as a very simple-to-use tool for writing and editing code, and (2) through the provided sample code that allows users to create images onscreen without any prior knowledge of Java graphics (e.g., the Swing API). Because BlueJ minimizes the hurdles associated with graphics programming, novice students are able to create an interesting and fun application, which helps them master the basics of the object-oriented approach in the earliest stages of their CS coursework.As an example, suppose you want to write a program that plays the card game,Blackjack.Youcan use the Card, Hand, and Deck classes developed. However, a hand in the game of Blackjack is a little different from a hand of cards in general, since it must be possible to compute the value of a Blackjack hand according to the rules of the game. The rules are as follows: The value of a hand is obtained by adding up the values of the cards in the hand. The value of a numeric card such as a three or a ten is its numerical value. The value of a Jack, Queen, or King is 10. The value of an Ace can be either 1 or 11. An Ace should be counted as 11 unless doing so would put the total value of the hand over 21. One way to handle this is to extend the existing Hand class by adding a method that computes the Blackjack value of the hand. Heres the definition of such a class: public class BlackjackHand extends Hand { public int getBlackjackValue() { // Returns the value of this hand for the // game of Blackjack. int val; // The value computed for the hand. boolean ace; // This will be set to true if the // hand contains an ace. int cards; // Number of cards in the hand. val = 0; ace = false; cards = getCardCount(); for ( int i = 0; i // Add the value of the i-th card in the hand. Card card; // The i-th card; int cardVal; // The blackjack value of the i-th card. card = getCard(i); cardVal = card.getValue(); // The normal value, 1 to 13. if (cardVal > 10) { cardVal = 10; // For a Jack, Queen, or King. } if (cardVal == 1) { ace = true; // There is at least one ace. } val = val + cardVal; } // Now, val is the value of the hand, counting any ace as 1. // If there is an ace, and if changing its value from 1 to // 11 would leave the score less than or equal to 21, // then do so by adding the extra 10 points to val. if ( ace == true val + 10 val = val + 10; return val; } // end getBlackjackValue() } // end class BlackjackHand Q:3 Sketch the object-oriented design of a system to control a Soda dispensing machine. What are the key objects? What are the properties and behaviours of these objects? How does the object interact? ANS:- The state machines interface is encapsulated in the wrapper class. The wrappee hierarchys interface mirrors the wrappers interface with the exception of one additional parameter. The extra parameter allows wrappee derived classes to call back to the wrapper class as necessary. Complexity that would otherwise drag down the wrapper class is neatly compartmented and encapsulated in a polymorphic hierarchy to which the wrapper object  delegates. Example The State pattern allows an object to change its behavior when its internal state changes. This pattern can be observed in a vending machine. Vending machines have states based on the inventory, amount of currency deposited, the ability to make change, the item selected, etc. When currency is deposited and a selection is made, a vending machine will either deliver a product and no change, deliver a product and change, deliver no product due to insufficient currency on deposit, or deliver no product due to inventory  depletion. Identify an existing class, or create a new class, that will serve as the state machine from the clients perspective. That class is the wrapper  class. Create a State base class that replicates the methods of the state machine interface. Each method takes one additional parameter: an instance of the wrapper class. The State base class specifies any useful default  behavior. Create a State derived class for each domain state. These derived classes only override the methods they need to  override. The wrapper class maintains a current State  object. All client requests to the wrapper class are simply delegated to the current State object, and the wrapper objects this pointer is  passed. The State methods change the current state in the wrapper object as  appropriate. . public class VendingMachine {               private double sales;               private int cans;               private int bottles;               public VendingMachine() {                           fillMachine();               }               public void fillMachine() {                           sales = 0;                           cans = 10;                        bottles = 5;               }            public int getCanCount() {return this.cans; }               public int getBottleCount() {return this.bottles; }               public double getSales() { return this.sales;}               public void vendCan() {                           if (this.cans==0) {                                       System.out.println(Sorry, out of cans.);                           } else {                                       this.cans -= 1;                                       this.sales += 0.6;                        }            }               public static void main(String[] argv) {                           VendingMachine machine = new VendingMachine();               }            } Part B Q:4 In an object oriented inheritance hierarchy, the objects at each level are more specialized than the objects at the higher levels. Give three real world examples of a hierarchy with this property. ANS:- Single Inheritance Java implements what is known as a single-inheritance model. A new class can subclass (extend, in Java terminology) only one other class. Ultimately, all classes eventually inherit from the Object class, forming a tree structure with Object as its root. This picture illustrates the class hierarchy of the classes in the Java utility package, java.util The HashTable class is a subclass of Dictionary, which in turn is a subclass of Object. Dictionary inherits all of Objects variables and methods (behavior), then adds new variables and behavior of its own. Similarly, HashTable inherits all of Objects variables and behavior, plus all of Dictionarys variables and behavior, and goes on to add its own variables and behavior. Then the Properties class subclasses HashTable in turn, inheriting all the variables and behavior of its class hierarchy. In a similar manner, Stack and ObserverList are subclasses of Vector, which in turn is a subclass of Object. The power of the object-oriented methodology is apparentnone of the subclasses needed to re-implement the basic functionality of their superclasses, but needed only add their own specialized behavior. However, the above diagram points out the minor weakness with the single-inheritance model. Notice that there are two different kinds of enumerator classes in the picture, both of which inherit from Object. An enumerator class implements behavior that iterates through a collection, obtaining the elements of that collection one by one. The enumerator classes define behavior that both HashTable and Vector find useful. Other, as yet undefined collection classes, such as list or queue, may also need the behavior of the enumeration classes. Unfortunately, they can inherit from only one superclass. A possible method to solve this problem would be to enhance some superclass in the hierarchy to add such useful behavior when it becomes apparent that many subclasses could use the behavior. Such an approach would lead to chaos and bloat. If every time some common useful behavior were required for all subsequent subclasses, a class such as Object would be undergoing constant modification, would grow to enormous size and complexity, and the specification of its behavior would be constantly changing. Such a solution is untenable. The elegant and workable solution to the problem is provided via Java interfaces, the subject of the next topic. Multiple inheritance Some object-oriented programming languages, such as C++, allow a class to extend two or more superclasses. This is called multiple inheritance. In the illustration below, for example, class E is shown as having both class A and class B as direct superclasses, while class F has three direct superclasses. Such multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java. The designers of Java wanted to keep the language reasonably simple, and felt that the benefits of multiple inheritance were not worth the cost in increased complexity. However, Java does have a feature that can be used to accomplish many of the same goals as multiple inheritance: interfaces. Class hierarchies Classes in Java form hierarchies. These hierarchies are similar in structure to many more familiar classification structures such as the organization of the biological world originally developed by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century. Portions of this hierarchy are shown in the diagram . At the top of the chart is the universal category of all living things. That category is subdivided into several kingdoms, which are in turn broken down by phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. At the bottom of the hierarchy is the type of creature that biologists name using the genus and species together. In this case, the bottom of the hierarchy is occupied by Iridomyrmex purpureus, which is a type of red ant. The individual red ants in the world correspond to the objects in a programming language. Thus, each of the individuals is an instance of the species purpureus. By virtue of the hierarchy, however, that individual is also an instance of the genus Iridomyrmex, the class Insecta, and the phylum Arthropoda. It is similarly, of course, both an animal and a living thing. Moreover, each red ant has the characteristics that pertain to each of its ancestor categories. For example, red ants have six legs, which is one of the defining characteristics of the class Insecta. Real example of hyrarchy Ques5 How do methods System.out.print() and System.out.println() differ? Define a java constant equal to 2.9979 X 108 that approximates the speed of light in meters per second. ANS:-1) public class Area{ public static void main(String[] args){ int length = 10; int width = 5; // calling the method or implementing it int theArea = calculateArea(); System.out.println(theArea); } // our declaration of the method public static int calculateArea(){ int methodArea = length * width; return methodArea; } } 2) public static void printHeader(){ System.out.println(Feral Production); System.out.println(For all your Forest Videos); System.out.println(427 Blackbutt Way); System.out.println(Chaelundi Forest); System.out.println(NSW 2473); System.out.println(Australia); } System.out.println(String argument) System.out.print(String argument) In the first case, the code fragment accesses the println() method of the object referred to by the class variable named out of the class named System. In the second case, the print() method is accessed instead of the println() method The difference between the two is that the println() method automatically inserts a newlineat the end of the string argument whereas the print() method leaves the display cursor at the end of the string argument Define a java constant equal to 2.9979 X 108 that approximates the speed of light in meters per second. Floating-point values can also be written in a special programmers style of scientific notation, in which the value is represented as a floating-point number multiplied by aintegral power of 10. To write a number using this style, you write a floating-point number in standard notation, followed immediately by the letter E and an integerexponent, optionally preceded by a + or sign. For example, the speed of light inmeters per second is approximately 2.9979 x 108 which can be written in Java as 2.9979E+8 where the E stands for the words times 10 to the power.Boolean constants and character constants also exist and are described in subsequent chapters along with their corresponding types. Q:6 Write a code segment that defines a Scanner variable stdin that is associated with The code segment should than define to int variables a and b, such that they are initialized with the next two input values from the standard input stream. Ans:- Import java.util.*; Public class mathfun { Public static void main(string[] args) { Scanner stdin=new scanner (; System.out.print(enter a decimal number); Double x=stdin.nextdouble(); System.out.print(enter another decimalnumber); Double y=stdin.nextdouble(); Double squarerootx=math.sqrt(x); System.out.println(square root of +x+is+square rootx); } }   System.out.println(PersontHeighttShoe size);   System.out.println(=========================);   System.out.println(Hannaht51t7);   System.out.println(Jennat510t9);   System.out.println(JJt61t14);  Ã‚   Q:7 Separately identify the keywords, variables, classes, methods and parameters in the following definition: import java.util.*; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner stdin = new Scanner(; System.out.print(Number:); double n = stdin.nextDouble(); System.out.println(n + * + n + = + n * n); } } Ans:- public static void main(String[] args)-method double n = stdin.nextDouble();-variables public ,static, void ,-keywords stdin println-keyword test -class double-parameters